3 Things You Must Know for your Software Engineering Interview

Akhil S
2 min readDec 15, 2020
  1. CS Fundamentals

In recent times a number of companies like Google, Tesla, Apple announced that they no longer care about the degree if the candidate has the right skill-set and knowledge for the job. However most candidates started focusing more on not having the degree rather than realizing that they should have the equivalent knowledge. In fact, google wants to launch their courses to persuade candidates to pursue the course instead of regular college degree. CS Fundamentals include Operating Systems,Computer Networks,Database Management Systems(DBMS) and more.These are the core subjects that form the foundation and play a very great role in architecting scalable systems and products that handle complex details. It is really a difficult task to learn all of this yourself by referencing FREE online resources. However in my opinion avoiding college is a bad idea and a potential failure as you don’t get to interact with anybody while learning, but not impossible. Want to learn online? CS50 offered by Harvard will be a great foundational course to get you started. Also, if you are really passionate to learn subjects in depth I recommend you to take some serious crash courses online.

2. OOP & LLD

Object Oriented Programming is one of the key areas for software development interview process. Concepts like Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism etc are expected in theory and as well as implementation. Check out GeeksforGeeks website for preparation. There are popular interview questions like “Design a car parking using OOP”. Practice them thoroughly to understand OOP. Low Level Design is mere implementation of a scenario. Pick a language of your choice and practice OOP.

3. Domain of Expertise

Choose your area of interest and learn technologies that are related to it. There are many domains like CyberSecuirty, CloudComputing, DataScience etc.This makes you suitable to many job roles and also shows your employer that you are a constant learner and invests time to learn the skills needed for the task at hand.

Lastly, keep your motivation high and keep going. Click Follow because it makes your career better.

